Competitive Programming

Top 20 - HKOI Team Formation Test (May 2022)

This contest selects delegates for international contests such as the IOI.
I was selected to represent Hong Kong at the Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) in May 2022.

Bronze Award - Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI), Senior (Dec 2021)

I was invited to join the HKOI Training Team, where I received intensive training on data structures, graph theory and dynamic programming.

Gold Award - Hong Kong Secondary Schools Software Development Invitational Contest, Senior (Oct 2021)

First Honor - National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (China) (Nov 2020)

Math Contests

Top 25% (Score: 20/120) - William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition (Dec 2023)

Online Contests

Rank 95/10322 (Perfect Score) - Google Kick Start Round E 2022 (Aug 2022)

Rank 3/24229 - LeetCode Weekly Contest 296 (Jun 2022)

I attained the Candidate Master title on Codeforces in July 2022.

IT Contests / Awards

Champion - 2022 Hong Kong Secondary School IT Knowledge Challenge (Jun 2022)

Gold Badge - Youth IT Ambassador Award (Jun 2022)